How West Papua was stolen

Описание к видео How West Papua was stolen

West Papua's history is deeply complex, marked by colonialism, political struggle, and ongoing calls for self-determination.

The region, situated on the western half of the island of New Guinea, was initially inhabited by indigenous Melanesian peoples. Dutch colonial rule began in the 19th century, with the Dutch East Indies controlling West Papua. However, in the aftermath of World War II, Indonesia fought for independence from Dutch colonial rule, eventually gaining sovereignty in 1949. Yet, West Papua remained under Dutch control as the Netherlands sought to prepare the region for self-governance.

In the 1960s, as Indonesia consolidated its control over the archipelago, pressure mounted for the Dutch to relinquish their hold on West Papua. In 1961, the region declared independence as the Republic of West Papua, but this move was not internationally recognized. Under pressure from the United Nations, the Netherlands transferred administrative control to Indonesia in 1963, under the controversial New York Agreement. A subsequent Act of Free Choice in 1969, widely viewed as neither free nor fair, led to West Papua's formal incorporation into Indonesia as the province of Irian Jaya (later split into Papua and West Papua provinces).

This annexation sparked resistance from indigenous West Papuans, leading to the formation of the Free Papua Movement (Organisasi Papua Merdeka or OPM) in 1965. The OPM has since been at the forefront of the struggle for West Papuan independence, advocating for self-determination and opposing Indonesian rule through both political and armed means. The movement has faced significant repression from Indonesian authorities, including military operations and human rights abuses.

Despite ongoing international calls for dialogue and peaceful resolution, the conflict in West Papua persists, fueled by issues of resource exploitation, marginalization of indigenous communities, and the struggle for autonomy. The quest for self-determination remains a defining feature of West Papua's history, shaping its political landscape and inspiring global solidarity efforts.


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