ETHOS X with fastEX 24 eT enviro workflow for determination of organi pollutants for sVOC analysis

Описание к видео ETHOS X with fastEX 24 eT enviro workflow for determination of organi pollutants for sVOC analysis

The ETHOS X operation is simple: samples are loaded into large volume disposable glass vials (1) with appropriate solvent mixture (2), placed into the vessel (3) and sealed (4). The unique vessel design, in combination with the accurate temperature control, enables extraction of different matrices simultaneously, which enhances the lab's workflow. The accurate contactless temperature sensor ensures full control of the extraction cycle in all positions and displays real-time the temperature of all samples on the dedicated user interface. The 100-mL glass disposable vials accommodate large sample amounts of up to 30 g, enabling lower detection limits with minimal solvent volume. In addition, the memory effects often observed with other technologies are eliminated, expediting even trace analysis of challenging species such as dioxins.
Typical applications of microwave-assisted solvent extraction include chlorinated pesticides, semi-volatile organics, PAHs, PCBs, chlorinated herbicides, phenols, organophosphorus pesticides, dioxins and furans.
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