Ultra Processed People

Описание к видео Ultra Processed People

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One to one online coaching, book in a call to discuss your physique goals

// G Y M W E A R
All fits from Vanquish, use code TMC10 for 10% off

Are you an ultra processed person?

I MUST caveat this and all future content regarding UPF with the fact that I consumed this stuff. Every. Single. Day. Since my Colitis diagnosis 12 months ago, I've made a massive shift in the way I eat, it's opened my eyes to the impact of what this food is doing to us not only physically but also psychologically

Now, I'm not going to sit here and say never consume a piece of UPF EVER AGAIN. Variety is the spice of life and things in moderation are what keep adherence high

I am, however, saying there needs to be a big reduction of the daily inclusion of UPF, apparently it's 'not realistic' well, today, I show you a full day of eating non of it and it happened to be lovely

00:00 Ultra Processed Coaches
03:48 Planning Meals
07:10 Run & Check-ins
07:23 Breakfast
10:16 Coaching
11:02 Pre-workout Snack
12:14 Push
12:35 Post-workout
14:22 Client start-up
15:13 Dinner

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The Vault and gain access to 200+ exclusive videos about training, nutrition, supplements and business as well as the Level Up & Retribution series'


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