AutoAir Past and Future

Описание к видео AutoAir Past and Future

AutoAir is a 5G testbed, partly funded by the UK government's Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), that ran from April 2018 to March 2020. AutoAir's focus is transport and as part of the project a network consisting of 38 cell sites was deployed at Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedfordshire, UK. This video consists of presentations from representatives of some of the AutoAir partner organisations, looking back at the successes of the project and forward to its future as a commercial 5G testbed.

The video contains the following presentations, shown with their start times:

Introduction: 00:00:00
Ian Smith, DCMS, Introduction, 00:00:55
Peter Stoker, Millbrook, Network Construction and Future Use, 00:03:30
Paul Senior, Dense Air/Airspan, 5G Small Cell Neutral Host Networks, 00:13:55
Mark Barrett, Blu Wireless, 5G mmWave for Transport, 00:23:45
Prof. Rahim Tafazolli, 5GIC - Advances in 5G beam-forming technology, 00:42:32
Simon Fletcher, Real Wireless, The Economic Case for 5G Neutral Host, 00:56:00
Peter Claydon, AutoAir Project Director, Summary, 01:13:30

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