Why MIDDLE finger fulcrum is better than INDEX

Описание к видео Why MIDDLE finger fulcrum is better than INDEX

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If you’ve been gripping your sticks with thumb & index, and you’ve hesitated to try middle finger instead because of how weird it feels to you, today’s lesson is for you!

If you only use index finger fulcrum, you’ll never quite be able to achieve the loose, relaxed speed that you can get by switching to middle finger.

But don’t worry, because I’ll show you exactly how to make the switch right now and reap the tremendous speed & fluidity benefits of this game-changing grip. YOU CAN DO THIS!

I believe that ANYONE can learn the drums, and I believe you’re far more capable of becoming a great drummer than you think you are. Don’t sell yourself short! SUBSCRIBE for more Non Glamorous videos that get straight to the point of solving drumming frustration. Stay Non Glamorous, Everyone!

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