Ricky Gervais Brutal Honesty Calls Out EVERYONE in Hollywood Golden Globes - No One Punched Him Out!

Описание к видео Ricky Gervais Brutal Honesty Calls Out EVERYONE in Hollywood Golden Globes - No One Punched Him Out!

If you are a Trump supporter, you should check out the new Patriotic Song written for him here:    • TRUMP SONG! United We Rise, We're Ame...  . If you are a L-I-B, please don't bother, thanks!

I am an investigative journalist and I compiled and edited this video to showcase the most poignant parts of Gervais hosting moments of the Golden Globe Awards. He has NOT yet been banned from YouTube by the Fascists Overlords who restrict ANY content that is not aligned with their distorted, one-side principles. This video speaks for itself. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Check out HILARIOUOS Biden Interview with Joyless Reid:    • Hilarious Biden Parody - All His Solu...  


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