KR Valkyrie & KR Vulcan VS KR Thouser | 假面騎士Valkyrie與Vulcan對戰假面騎士千騎 | The Fight For Beliefs 為信念而戰

Описание к видео KR Valkyrie & KR Vulcan VS KR Thouser | 假面騎士Valkyrie與Vulcan對戰假面騎士千騎 | The Fight For Beliefs 為信念而戰

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Yua grows frustrated hearing people talking about dreams all over the place.

Amatsu Gai pops up and says Yua is far too naive. He thought telling her the truth about Fuwa would get her head back in the game. But instead it’s taken the opposite effect.
天津 垓冒出来,说刃太天真了。他以为告诉她关于不破的真相会让她重新回到游戏中。但是相反的,它产生了相反的效果。

Fuwa asks what the hell he’s talking about. Yua tries to keep Fuwa from hearing the truth, but Amatsu Gai says it anyway.

Fuwa’s memories from the day of Daybreak are all a lie. Gai had implanted the memory of Humagears attacking a middle school into a chip in Fuwa's brain.

Yua says she never knew that either. But Gai did it to provoke a hatred of Humagears in Fuwa as part of his plan.

Fuwa cannot believe it. Gai mocks him as having succumbed to being his tool. That word triggers Yua.

Yua says she may not have a dream, but she has her conviction as an engineer. She believes that technology should bring people together, not be used to play with people’s dreams.

Yua says she can never forgive Gai for what he’s done. She henshins to Rushing Cheetah and Gai henshins as well, saying he must punish her.

Yua and Gai battle. Fuwa’s words to her resonate in her mind as she tries to fight off the control chip inside her head.

Fuwa gets over his initial shock at the revelation and henshins to Rampage. He and Yua tag-team it against Gai.

Fuwa knocks it into Gai’s head that the memory he’s always known does not matter to him anymore. He doesn’t need that hatred because he now has a dream. And that is the dream of a Kamen Rider that is of Gai’s own making.

Gai insists Fuwa is still a tool with no right to dream. He says technology can defeat any emotion. But after Fuwa wears down Gai just enough, Yua delivers a finisher "Lightning Blast Fever".

Gai is forced to dehenshin. He scrambles for his ZAIASpecs to get Yua under control. But she manage to fight it.

Yua tosses her blaster aside and punches Gai clear across the face. She says to consider this her resignation. She rips off her ZAIA pin and tosses it to the ground.

#zeroone #kamenrider #valkyrie #thouser #假面騎士


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