3D printed cast changing lives of cerebral palsy sufferers

Описание к видео 3D printed cast changing lives of cerebral palsy sufferers

(8 Jul 2014) TURKEY: 3D CAST
LENGTH: 3.50

AP Television
Gebze district, Kocaeli province, Turkey - 4 June 2014
1. Wide of technician doing 3D scan of the child's arm while surrounded by family at +90 Rapid Parts Manufacturing facilities200
1. Close of a child
3. Close of the 3D scan device
4. High angle of technician doing 3D scan of child
5. Close of computer screen showing arm 3D scan
6. Mid of father, designer and technician talking
7. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Hamit Semercioglu, Father of child with Cerebral Palsy
"Our son's illness is called Cerebral Palsy, in Turkish it is called paralysis of the brain. Since the brain does not recognise the right arm and leg, it cannot command. Regarding this technology, I heard about Mr. Deniz, and I reached out to him. And Mr Deniz told us he could help us out with it."
8. Wide of 3D printers room and technician changing cartridge
9. Close of cartridge
10. Close of printing injector creating a 3D object
11. Close of printed cast inside printing machine
12. Mid of printing machine with cast inside
13. Mid of technician taking out cast from printing machine
14. Wide of printed cast with family behind
15. Close of cerebral palsy assisting shoes
16. Close of designer Deniz Karasahin looking at the shoes
17. Wide of designer and family in a conference room
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Deniz Karasahin, Creator of Osteoid Medical Cast
"You can put it on very easily. It's composed of two pieces, it has a slap on� it's like a puzzle. And there is another further locking mechanism you can add, you can insert a pin through all this piece."
19. Various of Osteoid Medical Cast
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Deniz Karasahin, Creator of Osteoid Medical Cast:
"So with this cast a patient can swim, it doesn't itch, it doesn't smell, plus the healing process is 40 per cent faster."
21. Mid of 3D printed objects in a room
22. Close of 3D printed hand bones
23. Close of 3D printed foot
24. Close of 3D printed lower teeth
25. Mid of designer in a conference room
25. SOUNDBITE (English) Deniz Karasahin, Creator of Osteoid Medical Cast:
"Printing this cast takes around six hours, eight hours. And you know it may be a long time for someone with a broken arm to wait, but with a Cerebral Palsy patient who has to live with this their entire life, you know, it's nothing for them."
26. Various of Osteoid medical cast
An innovative technician is using 3D printing to help reduce the recovery time for broken bones.
Turkish designer Deniz Karasahin is attracting international attention after his Osteoid Medical Cast won several design awards.
5 year-old Berkan Semercioglu has Cerebral Palsy.
The disorder causes limitations in mobility and development of the limbs and Berkan needs a cast to stabilise his arm.
Doctors have been treating Berkan with botox once a month in order to paralyse the nerves in his limbs to enable him to have physiotherapy.
But today the Semercioglu family are meeting designer, Deniz Karasahin to scan Berkan's arm and prepare an osteroid medical cast that will be created from a 3D printer.
Karasahin has designed a cast that can be printed in 3D. The scanner transfers information about Berkan's arm to modelling software which will create a tailor made cast. The cast can be printed in a wide variety of colourful options - allowing Berkan and other children like him to choose their own colour.
In order to facilitate this, the cast has algorithmically generated ventilation holes.

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