livMatS Biomimetic Shell

Описание к видео livMatS Biomimetic Shell

FIT Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies, University of Freiburg, 2023

The livMatS Biomimetic Shell at the FIT Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies is a pioneering research building. The generous space, which flows smoothly into the surrounding campus, serves as an architectural incubator for the development of innovative, cross-disciplinary research ideas. Simultaneously, the building itself represents a research project of the two Clusters of Excellence, Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (IntCDC) at the University of Stuttgart and Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Materials Systems (livMatS) at the University of Freiburg, which are investigating an integrative approach to design and construction for sustainable architecture. 

The building brings together the different research approaches of the two Excellence Clusters to achieve an architectural synthesis. Compared to a conventional timber building, the FIT Biomimetic Shell reduces the total environmental life cycle impact by 50%. The distinctive and highly resource-efficient segmented timber shell construction is fully deconstructible and reusable. It is made feasible through the integrative development of computational design methods, robotic prefabrication and automated construction processes, as well as novel forms of human-machine interaction in timber construction. Embedded in the wood shell is the "Solar Gate", a large-scale skylight which contributes to the regulation of the indoor climate by means of a biomimetic, energy-autonomous, 4D-printed shading system. Together with an activated floor slab made of recycled concrete, this enables comfortable year-round use with minimal building services. The result is an expressive, flexible space and an architecture that shows alternative paths for sustainable construction, which will also serve as a platform for further research.

Cluster of Excellence IntCDC – Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture, University of Stuttgart.

ICD Institute for Computational Design and Construction
Prof. Achim Menges, Felix Amtsberg, Monika Göbel, Hans Jakob Wagner, Laura Kiesewetter, Nils Opgenorth, Christoph Schlopschnat, Tim Stark, Simon Treml, Xiliu Yang (Biomimetic Shell); Dylan Wood, Tiffany Cheng, Ekin Sila Sahin, Yasaman Tahouni (Solar Gate)

ITKE Institute for Building Structures and Structural Design
Prof. Dr. Jan Knippers, Simon Bechert

Cluster of Excellence LivMatS - Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Materials Systems, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ruhe, Prof. Dr. Thomas Speck, Prof. Dr. Anna Fischer

Müllerblaustein HolzBauWerke GmbH, Blaustein
Jochen Friedel, Johannes Groner, Daniel Gold


Cluster of Excellence IntCDC – Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture, University of Stuttgart.

ISYS Institute for System Dynamics
Prof. Dr. Oliver Sawodny, Andreas Gienger, Anja Lauer, Sergej Klassen

IIGS Institute for Engineering Geodesy
Prof. Dr. Volker Schwieger, Sahar Abolhasani, Laura Balangé

ICD Architectural Computing, Institute for Computational Design and Construction
Prof. Dr. Thomas Wortmann, Lior Skoury, Max Zorn

IABP Institute for Acoustics and Building Physics
Prof. Dr. Philip Leistner, Roberta di Bari, Rafael Horn


erdrich wodtke Planungsgesellschaft mbh
Christian Erdrich

Transsolar Klima Engineering GmbH
Prof. Dr. Thomas Auer, Christian Frenzel

Bauphysik 5
Joachim Seyfried

Matthias Buck

Belzner Holmes Light-Design
Thomas Hollubarsch


MPA University of Stuttgart
Dr. Simon Aicher


Geoconsult Ruppenthal
Vermessungsbüro Nutto
IB Becherer
Klitzke ELT-Plan
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Bechert + Partner
FW Glashaus Metallbau GmbH & Co. KG
Moser GmbH & Co. KG
Lösch GmbH & Co. KG Lightning protection construction
Parquet Studio Ganter GmbH & Co. KG
Elektro Mutter GmbH
Rees Sanitary and heating installations
Jakober GmbH
Kiefer & Sohn GmbH
Dirk Pesec


DFG German Research Foundation

Carlisle Construction Materials GmbH
HECO-Schrauben GmbH & Co. KG
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Puren GmbH
Raimund-Beck KG


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