Описание к видео Apex Legends EXPLOIT AND CHEATERS

*Update* The glitch was patched an hour or so after this video was uploaded
In Apex Legends there are glitches, cheating, exploits and skybox camping, aimbots etc. I want you guys to make a decision on the person I highlighted in the video from that clip if you think it's good aim or are they looking onto people through walls and shooting them.

I slowed down time to also help illustrate how they are able to consistently connect shots with people without fail.

Good game play or suspicious antics? Let me know in a comment below.

Also for clarity about the streamer part:
If a streamer is going to stream their self cheating or using exploits, they'll get themselves banned or removed from twitch on their own accord by showcasing such a thing. using exploits does create content however winning games by using exploits doesn't create content that's good for you especially in a competitive standpoint.

Hope this video shows some of you what's going on and show cases some problems that I want them to fix before a major tournament they announce.

Also thanks to all of you who have supported me for so long it means a great deal to me that you have done so!


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