Android WebView App Template Download Codecanyon

Описание к видео Android WebView App Template Download Codecanyon

WebView App is a native Android application which uses web view component for displaying content. With this template you can turn your responsive website into a universal mobile app. It is quick, easy and affordable. WebView App has many useful built-in features and services. It is the most popular web view app on Envato Market.

Download and Buy :

This template provides you easy way to make your own app. It does not require programming skills. Code is easily configurable and customizable. There is just one config file to setting up everything. Project is well documented. Create your own app in less than 15 minutes without any special knowledge! It’s easier than you think.

WebView App uses powerful & fast Chromium engine. It is compatible with WordPress or any other web framework. It supports HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and other web technologies. See the full list of features below.

Latest UI With Material Design
All Device Compatibility
Developed with Android Studio & Gradle
Support for Jelly Bean (Android 4.2) and newer
Material design following Android Design Guidelines
Fast and powerful webview engine
WebView supports HTML5, JavaScript, Cookies, CSS, images, videos and other standard web tools and technologies
AdMob (banner and interstitial ad)
Support for opening links in external browser (customizable rules)
HTML5 videos, YouTube, Vimeo, JW Player
Fullscreen video
Download manager
Navigation drawer menu with optional categories and submenu (easily customizable)
Pull-to-Refresh (coming on next update)
Share dialog (optional)
Rate my app prompt
Confirmation dialog when user tries to exit the app (coming on next update)
Progress bar when loading the page
Responsive design (portrait, landscape, handling orientation change)
Support for high-resolution displays (xxxhdpi)
Multi-language support
Deep links
Runtime permissions
Top quality clean code created by experienced senior Android developer
Easy configuration
Well documented

Thank You....

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