NEW KNIVES & Most Popular USA TOPS Fixed Blades | AK Blade

Описание к видео NEW KNIVES & Most Popular USA TOPS Fixed Blades | AK Blade

New set, new hair, new knives; all things new are tumbling out of this week's episode of AK Blade as Cee and Just Jul go over specs., demos and personal reviews. This time even popular fixed blades from TOPS, like the Wild Pig Hunter and the Apache Dawn 2 are jonesing for the spotlight. AK'ers will get to see the new Kubey Doris, the latest model of the Kizer Towser K (in copper), the slice-erific Vosteed Nightshade, and the Damned Designs Fenrir. Lastly, the JP in August extended one more week. Details to enter to win a USA made Jason Perry Blade Works Neck knife are down below. Don't ever miss out on your Cee and Just Jul fix, watch AK Blade every week at 6pm EST.

Damned Designs is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Cee's mother-in-law.

This Weeks Knives

00:00 - Intro
00:52 - TOPS Wild Pig Hunter:
02:26 - Kizer Towser K:
04:24 - Damned Designs Fenrir:
06:34 - Vosteed Nightshade:
08:48 - JP in August Giveaway
11:43 - Kubey Doris:
13:36 - TOPS Apache Dawn 2:
16:11 - Favorites, Credits & Bloopers

Other Knives Mentioned
Kansept Fenrir:
Damned Designs Basilisk:
Shieldon Bulbasaur:
Jason Perry Blade Works Knives:

All knives are available at Atlantic

Don’t Forget to Like, Subscribe, and Comment! Find us on our social media pages and our website through the links below, so you can contact us directly should you guys have any questions about a giveaway, a product or if you just want to chat.

Social Media:

• Facebook:   / atlanticknif.  .

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• Instagram:   / atlantickni.  .

• Pinterest:   / atlantickni.  .

You can also listen to our podcast, Gearing Up on Spotify and other podcast hosting sites.

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JP in AUGUST Giveaway Event Details

This will be a month-long giveaway starting on August 5, 2022 and ending September 8, 2022. Every week Cee & Just Jul will announce the new Jason Perry Blade Works Knife that will be given away. Posts for the giveaways will be released on Facebook and Instagram. One must comment on said posts to be entered. Winners will be announced via post on either Facebook or Instagram (depending on which the winner participated).

To Enter One Must:

1. Follow @atlanticknife on Instagram &/or Atlantic Knife on Facebook
2. Follow @jasonperrybladeworks on Instagram &/or Jason Perry Blade Works on Facebook
3. Comment and Tag 3 Friends in comment section
• @atlanticknife & @jasonperrybladeworks for Instagram
• Atlantic Knife & Jason Perry Blade Works for Facebook

Social Media Links:

Atlantic Knife Facebook:   / atlanticknife  
Atlantic Knife Instagram:   / atlantickni.  .

Jason Perry Blade Works Facebook:   / jpbladeworks  
Jason Perry Blade Works Instagram:   / jasonperryb.  .


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