CNNMoney Switzerland LIVE Stream (February 26, 2018)

Описание к видео CNNMoney Switzerland LIVE Stream (February 26, 2018)

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE LIVING MARKETS: "Growth in Switzerland likely to slow down in 2018, says Mirabaud chief economist Gero Jung"
Guest: GERO JUNG, Chief Economist at Mirabaud Asset Management
Anchor: Martina Fuchs

THE BIG PICTURE: ""Neo-colonialism" in aid community behind sexual abuses, says expert."
Guests: ANDREW MACLEOD, former aid worker at the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross & EDWARD FLAHERTY, a Geneva-based litigation lawyer

THE NEWSMAKER: "Swiss Olympic snowboarder is flying high on his return from the Winter games in PyeongChang"
Guest: PAT BURGENER, Swiss athlete and musician

VIDEO OF THE DAY: "Concerns over growing ranks of UN consultants"
Guests: ANDREW MACLEOD, former aid worker at the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross & EDWARD FLAHERTY, a Geneva-based litigation lawyer

FEELING GOOD: "Pascal König is trying to double the odds of getting pregnant."
Guest: PASCAL KOENIG, co-founder of AVA

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