Your Million $ Is In Your Pocket | Bhupendra Singh | TEDxGSLMedicalCollege

Описание к видео Your Million $ Is In Your Pocket | Bhupendra Singh | TEDxGSLMedicalCollege

Most people are running after money. They want to make millions. However only 1% people are able to make 99% of the money. Remaining 99% only remain satisfied with 1%. Why this imbalance? Specially when your million $ is in your pocket. Don’t believe this. Then listen to this electrifying speech of Mr Bhupendra Singh Rathor Bhupendra Singh, is India's no.1 breakthrough strategist. He trains people through his ultimate NO MERCY COACHING, He is awarded as Asia's greatest leader 2017, his talks on motivation, leadership, self-esteem, leadership and success bring about long term results. His aim is to inspire and transform 10 crore lives by 2040 through his engagement on the subjects of personal and professional development. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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