DevTog 4 Financial Literacy Workshop

Описание к видео DevTog 4 Financial Literacy Workshop

The latest of our Develop Together Life Skills workshops focused on Financial Literacy, introducing the concepts of earning, saving, spending, and donating to our senior students. Students learned that everything has a cost and money can be earned by students if they do something they like or are good at. Students were introduced to good saving habits and tips for saving in three categories - money freedom, retirement, and emergency.

The concept of ‘Need vs Want’ was explored, and students gave examples of what they bought recently and in groups reflected on whether they spent money wisely or poorly. Students discussed different ways to donate to make the world is better place. Students were presented with scenarios and discussed how they can help in each scenario and that donation doesn’t have to mean giving money, they can donate their time, their unused clothes, blood, books, etc. Practical exercises, videos, and games were included in the workshop and students had to present their budgets. Feedback from participants was very positive and we will continue to develop this important topic with our DevTog programme.

Lone Buffalo’s Development Manager, Chanthala put together the content and used external sources from Prudential Insurance in Laos. The Student Development Team spent Saturday rehearsing their topics, before presenting to their peers on Sunday.

Lone Buffalo are very grateful to Explore Foundation for supporting DevTog 4.


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