শূন্য করোনার দেশ ।। Doctorbari II Dr. Gaousul Azam

Описание к видео শূন্য করোনার দেশ ।। Doctorbari II Dr. Gaousul Azam

শূন্য করোনার দেশ ।। Doctorbari II Dr. Gaousul Azam
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Corona Free Countries .

The #coronavirus pandemic continues to grapple the world. Infections crossed the seven million mark and caused over 400,000 deaths. While there are many countries still battling the deadly disease, there are also some countries that have declared themselves to be free from the virus. So here is a list of countries from across the world that are #COVID-free.

1. #New Zealand
2. #The Vatican
3. #Montenegro
4. #Eritrea
5. #Papua New Guinea
6. #Seychelles
7. #Fiji
8. #Saint Kitts And Nevis
9. #East Timor
10. #Tanzania
So these are some of the countries that are COVID-free. While this is a small silver lining amidst these dark times, it does give us plenty of hope that the road to recovery is currently under construction. But it will be up and ready soon


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