Δύο φορές γυναίκα | Anna Kouroupou | TEDxChania

Описание к видео Δύο φορές γυναίκα | Anna Kouroupou | TEDxChania

Δύο φορές γυναίκα | Anna Kouroupou| TEDxChania 2016 | Xenos

Γιατί δεν έχω σαν το δικό σου μαμά; Πονούσε πολύ, να ζω και να αναπνέω σε ένα ξένο σώμα. Όταν το «μέσα» σου ταιριάξει με το έξω, είναι ευτυχία. Και όταν δεν ταιριάζει; Πόσο σκληρά μπορεί να πληρώσει κάποιος την ταυτότητα του φύλου του; Η διαφορετικότητα είναι το δόρυ. Η αιχμή του, που κάνει και τη ζημιά, είναι η άγνοια. Και ως γνωστόν αυτή η “κυρία”, είναι δολοφόνος.


Μουσική: Michael Dale

Why I don't have like yours, Mom? A lot of pain, living and breathing in a body that didn't fit me. When your inside world matches your body's appearance, it is called happiness. But what happens when the inside and the outside don't match? How hard can someone pay his/her identity of sex? Diversity is the spear. The peak, which does the damage, is the ignorance. And as we all know, this "lady" is a killer.

General secretary of the Transgender Support Association, columnist, author. Anna Kouroupou defines herself as a trans woman. She had a gender redefinition, 25 years ago. She managed to graduate only from middle school due to the usual social exclusion she was facing. She is fighter of the human rights of trans people since 2011 active as General Secretary of the Transgender Support Association. She considers herself as an activist, once she realized her diversity. She wrote a book - autobiography titled "Why, I don’t have like yours, Mom?" – Potamos Publications and continues writing often in various websites. The topics of her articles are usually referred to human rights. During the last year she joined voluntarily the group-organization called “Red Umbrella”, in order to empower sex workers in Athens.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx


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