போலியான வஞ்சரம் மீன் ஆ | How to Find Original Seer Fish | Innaikku Enna Tips

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Hi Friends
In this video we are going to see how to identify an original Vanjaram Fish. Vanjaram Fish is the priciest variety of seer fish, is available only in Tamilnadu. The Goan Seafood enthusiasts refer to it as Iswan/Viswon, whereas the Maharashtra refer to it as Surumai, also consumed in Kerala under the name Neymeen/Ayakoora. In karnataka the Seer fish is referred to as Anjal.

Original Vanjaram Fish Skin is very shiny and easy to cut and the meat is white, but duplicate cobia is darker skin. Cobia fish is also known as black Seer fish. Cobia is a Sea fish, moreover it is very similar to Seer fish in appearance and texture after it is cut into slices.

How to Identify a Vanjaram Fish, How to Identify Fake Vanjaram Fish, How to find original seer fish duplicate in Tamilnadu, important things to know before you buy seer fish, Duplicate Seer fish, duplicate Vanjaram Fish, Cobia fish, motha fish, black king Fish, Fake Seer fish, Seer fish identification, Thora Fish Identification, Original mackerel, how to check seer fish is original, Original Neymeen, Original Ayakoora, Original Anjal fish, Original Iswan fish, Original Viswon fish, Nei meen, Kadal Viral, Bayhawk, Innaikku Enna Tips

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