Calcium Deficiency Treatment Ilaj Urdu Hindi-Calcium Ki Kami Ka Elaj-Calcium Ke Fayde Benefits

Описание к видео Calcium Deficiency Treatment Ilaj Urdu Hindi-Calcium Ki Kami Ka Elaj-Calcium Ke Fayde Benefits

How To Treat Calcium Deficiency Urdu Hindi - Calcium Ki Kami Ka Elaj/Ilaj Kare - Best Calcium Food - Calcium Ki Kami Ki Alamat - Calcium Tablet - کیلشیم کی کمی کا علاج

Calcium (کیلشیم ) is essential for general health. In fact, you have more calcium in your body than any other mineral. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are the best sources of calcium foods, but many nondairy foods are also rich in the mineral. It makes up much of your bones and teeth and plays a role in heart health, muscle function, and nerve signaling.

The most healthful calcium foods are green leafy vegetables and legumes, or greens and beans for short. Vitamin D controls your body's use of calcium. About 15 minutes of sunlight on your skin each day normally produces all the vitamin D you need to treat calcium deficiency (کیلشیم کی کمی کا علاج). Other calcium-rich foods include seeds, whey protein, fish and nuts like almonds, etc.

Calcium deficiency (کیلشیم کی کمی) can impair our skin’s health also. It helps the body to replace the old skin cells with new ones. Calcium deficiency (کیلشیم کی کمی) in the body makes your skin look fragile and dry. Calcium deficiency (کیلشیم کی کمی) can be treated (کیلشیم کی کمی کا علاج) with diet & supplements like calcium tablets.

Ms. Sidra Imtiaz is a Dietitian practicing at Surgimed Hospital, Lahore. Ms. Sidra is also available for Online Video Consultation at To book an appointment with Ms. Sidra, please visit the following link or call 042-3890-0939. Calcium_Deficiency


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