The Top 5 Realistic Urban EDC Items

Описание к видео The Top 5 Realistic Urban EDC Items

The Top 5 Realistic Useful Urban EDC Items You Should Carry

Everyone likes Top 5 videos, but I'm not going to try and sell you things you don't need for the sake of another urban EDC video out of hundreds of others trying to sell you a sense of security. I want my people, you people, to think.

For instance: While gold is useful as a hedge against inflation and protecting your spending power in a commodity based market why are you buying it from the guy saying the dollar will collapse any day now, while that same seller is still accepting dollars? I would probably think about making a trade with people like that if they demanded storable food like honey, or silver, or fractional amounts of gold, or being taught a skill, but no. They want your dollars. The very thing they say will be worthless. Selling FEAR and making you think these things are what you need is a time honored tradition in the preparedness community for as long as I can remember.

I'm not saying storing food is useless, calamity affects us all and in the case of losing a job and revenue, that stored food can save you. I'm trying to create a shift in thought. That skills, practicality, and a more reasonable approach to responding towards emergencies is more useful than anything else. I hope you decide to come along for the ride and sit by the fire for a little while.


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