Story Of A Squad - The Big Picture

Описание к видео Story Of A Squad - The Big Picture

National Archives and Records Administration

ARC Identifier 2569681 / Local Identifier 111-TV-415

Big Picture: Story of a Squad

DVD Copied by Timothy Vollmer. "Story of a Squad" has a quiet beginning, but encompasses the activities of an elite infantry paratrooper squad from the time they arise in the early morning until the day is finished. They are a small, but important segment of the United States Seventh Army in Germany. They are on round-the-clock alert to repel attack from the Communist east, and by their example of readiness, to deter the enemy from launching such an attack. The "Story of a Squad," told through the full cycle of a day's hard training, and an evening's easy relaxation, is a story about Americans in uniform. They are held together, all of them, by the invisible tie of esprit, by the powerful band of confidence in each other and their ability to carry out their mission.


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