均安烧猪,猪肉烹饪,美食料理,地方特色菜Jun'an Roast Pig, Pork Cooking, Gourmet Cuisine, Local Specialty Dishes

Описание к видео 均安烧猪,猪肉烹饪,美食料理,地方特色菜Jun'an Roast Pig, Pork Cooking, Gourmet Cuisine, Local Specialty Dishes

“烧猪”,始于中原盛于粤。烧猪寄托着粤人慎终追远的情怀。清明节祭祖,广东人的习俗一定要用的就是拿“烧猪”供奉。“均安烧猪”历史悠久,民间有一种说法“烧猪红皮猛壮”,形似“全猪”,可寓意家族兴旺、鸿运当头、身体健康。每年的清明节,均安人以家族为单位,由孝子贤孙们杠着金猪,浩浩荡荡地上山扫墓祭祖,以金猪象征子孙后代繁衍旺盛,大展宏图,告慰先人在天之灵,以次向先祖表示孝心和敬意。如今,每当重大喜庆活动如公司开业庆典、店铺开张剪彩等仪式上也以金猪象征鸿运高照、生意兴隆、大吉大利等。Roasted pork originated in the Central Plains and flourished in Guangdong. The roasted pig embodies the Cantonese people's cautious pursuit of the future. On the Qingming Festival, it is a custom among the people of Guangdong to offer "roasted pigs" as a sacrifice to ancestors. "Jun'an Roasted Pig" has a long history, and there is a folk saying that "Roasted Pig has a strong red skin", resembling a "whole pig", which can symbolize family prosperity, good fortune, and good health. On the Qingming Festival every year, the people of Jun'an take their families as the unit, with filial sons and wise grandchildren holding golden pigs to sweep graves and worship their ancestors in a grand manner. The golden pig symbolizes the prosperous reproduction of future generations, showcases grand plans, comforts the spirits of ancestors in heaven, and shows filial piety and respect to ancestors. Nowadays, whenever there are major festive events such as company opening celebrations and store opening ribbon cutting ceremonies, golden pigs are also used to symbolize good luck, prosperous business, and good luck.


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