Last of the Head Hunters, Konyaks of Nagaland

Описание к видео Last of the Head Hunters, Konyaks of Nagaland

The Konyaks are a Naga people. They are easily distinguishable from other Naga tribes by their pierced ears; and tattoos which they have all over their faces, hands, chests, arms, and calves.

Facial tattoos were earned for taking an enemy's head.

Other unique traditional practices that set the tribe apart from the rest are: gunsmithing, iron-smelting, brass-works, and gunpowder-making. They are also adept in making 'naga dao' (machetes) and wood sculptures.

In Nagaland, they inhabit the Mon District-- also known as 'The Land of The Anghs'. The Anghs/Wangs are their traditional chiefs whom they hold in high esteem.

Aoleng, a festival celebrated in the first week of April (1-6) to welcome the spring and also to invoke the Almighty's (Kahwang) blessing upon the land before seed-sowing, is the biggest festival of the Konyaks. Another festival, 'Lao Ong Mo', is the traditional harvest festival celebrated in the months of August/September.

The Konyaks have the largest population among the Nagas. They are found in Tirap, Longding, and Changlang districts of Arunachal Pradesh; Sibsagar District of Assam; and also in Myanmmar. They are known in Arunachal Pradesh as the Wanchos-- 'Wancho' is a synonymous term for 'Konyak'. Ethnically, culturally, and linguistically the Noctes of the same neighbouring state of Arunachal Pradesh, are also closely related to the Konyaks.

The Konyak language belongs to the Northern Naga sub branch of the Sal subfamily of Sino-Tibetan.

The Konyaks were the last among the Naga tribes to accept Christianity. In the past, they were infamous for marauding nearby villages of other tribes, often resulting in killings and decapitations of the heads of opposing warriors. The decapitated heads were taken as trophies and usually hung in the 'Baan' (a communal house). The number of hunted heads indicated the power of a warrior. The headhunting expeditions were often driven by, and founded on certain beliefs, code of honour; and, principles of loyalty and sacrifice.

The tribal members maintain a very disciplined community life with strict adherence to duties and responsibilities assigned to each of them.

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A little bit about my channel...
I mainly focus on creating videos about my travel to Cambodia and the Khmer life in the US. My goal is to document different Cambodian communities around the world. When I'm not traveling, I like to make vlogs about my daily life, which include enjoying good food with friends and family. I do have a background in tech so occasionally I'll review the gear that I'm using to make these videos.

A little about myself...
I came to the US with my father and mother at the age of 1, in the midst of the Khmer Rouge genocide. I lived for almost 40 years without ever returning to Cambodia. It was only recently that I made my first trip back to my homeland and since then, it has been my goal to learn about Cambodia's rich history, religion and document life of Cambodian people living there. In between my trips, I try to visit the different Khmer communities all over the US to see the differences and similarities between them. Please, I do apologize that my Cambodia language skills aren't the greatest, but I am trying to relearn!

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