Varn Vlog: The Library Punks on the Internet Archive and Paradoxes of Digital Rights

Описание к видео Varn Vlog: The Library Punks on the Internet Archive and Paradoxes of Digital Rights

Two of the Librarypunk podcast hosts come to the show to discuss the misunderstandings of the internet archives.

This link was discussed:

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Host: C. Derick Varn ( Twitter: @skepoet Bluesky
Cohost of Excavations: Jordin Dubin
Cohost of Vulgar Complexity: Abi Hassen
Audio Producer: Paul Channel Strip ( @aufhebenkultur )
Intro Musics: Spaceship Revolution by Etienne Roussel (Solo Intro), Bitterlake (Political Intro), Bitterlake (Strange Intro), The Siege of Kalameth by Jon Björk (Main Show Intro), Teknique by Anthony Earls (Nailing It Down Intro).
Outro Music: Let Down by Issue AB
Intro and Outro Video Design: C. Derick Varn (Main Show Intro, Show Outro), Djene Bajalan (Solo Intro, Political Intro, Space Outro), Bitterlake (Strange Intro)
Art Design: Corn (  / cornflow  ) and C. Derick Varn
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