Eivør - Hymn 49 (Live @ Ancient Theatre Plovdiv, Bulgaria) 14.06.2024

Описание к видео Eivør - Hymn 49 (Live @ Ancient Theatre Plovdiv, Bulgaria) 14.06.2024

Video footage by yours truly! :)

Special thanks to @jesslleonart for pointing me the correct title of this song. :) Incredibly beautiful piece. Pure bliss! Thank you all for watching!


Alright. It is time to fly to the Faroe Islands and land back on Bulgarian soil, and dive deeper and deeper into the world of a very, very special and gifted woman. The music of Eivør Pálsdóttir was known to me for almost 10 years now (mid 2015 or something like that), and I have followed her musical career from time to time, and it's not a big secret, that she is currently one of the most prominent musician/singer/songwriters in the nordic scene in perhaps the last decade or so. There is something uniquely mesmerizing, gorgeous and enchanting about her and how she approaches the music that she creates and how she sings, her presence on stage, be it her solo albums or when she collaborates with other musicians and composers. It's also very hard to overlook that she is exceptionally beautiful woman as well. 🙂 Obviously Icelandic/Faroese/Scandinavian throat singing is not uncommon these days, but she has that magical, otherworldly and I dare say alluring aspect and energy surrounding her.
...but why am I describing all of these things now? Well the reason is the following:

So, earlier this year when I heard the news that she is coming to play some of her sorcery live for us here poor souls in Bulgaria, I just couldn't believe my eyes and ears. Eivør in Plovdiv? What the heck? Now way man! Well, yeah I have seen Wardruna two years ago in the same city and place, but I heard only tales and legends about the experience and the feelings that she evokes and leaves in people participating in some of her magickal live rituals. Long story short, two days ago (14.06.2024) I was part of it, completely immersed in the atmosphere and it was unreal and surreal in the most real way. She came and opened the hearts and minds of men, women and children, enchanting the very fabric, charging the very air and the audience and feeding our souls with the magic of the earth herself (Gaia), and she left behind such a prominent, memorable and incredible impact, that years after this event people will continue to talk about her and remember the moments with such fondness, amazement and humility.

I myself was sitting there on the ancient stones, surrounded by waves of fans and people of all ages, watching and listening, completely struck and paralyzed like a mountain troll after sunrise, transported somewhere else, beyond the horizon in the far edges of the north, crossing the vast waters and unconquered fjords of Norway, the dense forests and grave mounds of Sweden, the thousand lakes of Finland and landing on the far shores of the north islands, just to find later that the gods of old never left us. It was a journey I will never forget for the rest my days, because it was a medicine for souls in distress, and her craft and music gives meaning to a lot of folk and opens doors to countless experiences beyond wildest imaginations. I was there with two VERY good friends and soul companions, which was also an important part of the MAIN QUEST, and this adventure just couldn't be done without 'em, and I am grateful for that, and it helps a lot when you can share an incredible experience with other like-minded folk. (Joro and Daria Ilieva, thank you so much! Both of ya!)

Eivør promised to come back to our southern lands at some point in the not so distant future and deliver her spells and medicine once more, because a lot of people need them, and it is not a mere joke or cliche seeing and describing this concert through such lenses. If music is a medicine, then we need to see such musicians (especially women) playing live more often. It's like trying to find meaning again in a world of confusion, apathy, pain and a lot of suffering. We need that medicine RIGHT NOW more than ever, because our lives become richer like chapters in a great book, instead of a blurred chalk on a board washed away by the coming storm.

A friend of mine and myself have taken some footage of each song she performed and this is the visual document below. The rest of the videos can be found on my channel and I encourage you all to participate. Drop a like or comment if you so desire, and remember, THE TEARS ARE FREE! 😉
Thank you Eivør, splendid and beautiful medicine woman of the ages!
Cheers! Skål! Наздраве! 🙂

- Borislav


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