Kogmaw Reroll example game

Описание к видео Kogmaw Reroll example game

Kogmaw Reroll example game in Master's Lobby

Board will be weak until you 3 star units, so Lose streak is okay for gold and carousel priority. Focus on Tears because Blue Buff is core on Kogmaw. Ionic Spark on Chogath second priority. Kogmaw and Chogath are priority units.

Stage 3-1 at level 4, okay to roll down to 30g. Then econ back to above 50g and slow roll to find 3 stars. Can break econ if you're close to 3 starring priority units.

Usually want to be Level 6 with Illaoi by 4-2. After hitting 3 star Kogmaw and Chogath, slow level to 8, unless you can get a strong spike from the level. IE, Nautius for Warden (frontline), or Lillia for Invoker (backline) or both for 5 Mythic spike.

Important to scout to see if you're contested before rolling. In this game, 3 other people had Lillia and Nautilus, so I was stuck on 1 stars for majority of the game.

One econ augment is usually fine (gold, or reroll augments). Best to have at least 2 combat augments. In this game, I had 3.

Good luck, have fun. We hate Lillia encounter.


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