I Was Banned From The Planners Collaborative (TPC) // The Whole Story

Описание к видео I Was Banned From The Planners Collaborative (TPC) // The Whole Story

On Sunday, July 10th I was banned from all groups and accounts associated with The Planners Collaborative (TPC).

Last year I paid the fee for a table sponsorship at the TPC Convention, which was held July 8-9th. In the days leading up to the event, I realized that there was no table at Convention sponsored by my shop, and that in fact none of the sponsorship benefits I was supposed to receive had been fulfilled.

On July 7th I sent a DM to Caitlin Locascio-King, the TPC founder and admin. On July 9th, I followed up with an email. With no response or acknowledgment to either, on July 10th I asked for my money back.

In response I was banned.

This is the whole story.


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