Vivaldi: Abbia respiro il cor | Christopher Lowrey, countertenor (La Silvia RV 734) Voices of Music

Описание к видео Vivaldi: Abbia respiro il cor | Christopher Lowrey, countertenor (La Silvia RV 734) Voices of Music

The aria Abbia respiro il cor, from Vivaldi's "La Silvia." Live, UHD video from the award winning Voices of Music "Harmonic Labyrinth" concert, December, 2019. Christopher Lowrey, countertenor.
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“Silvia” refers to Rhea Silvia, the mythical mother of the twins Romulus and Remus, who founded the city of Rome. The original score of La Silvia is lost; fortunately, like Handel, Vivaldi was a compulsive recycler of arias, and it is possible to reconstruct most of the work.
This concert won the SFCV Audience Choice Award 2020.
Abbia respiro il cor (La Silvia)
del Lazio il reggio allor 
già ben vedrai qual sia, 
ma ciò, che all’alma mia
ch’io provo e dir nol sò. 

Nè più t’innondi il sen 
di gelosia il seren, 
perche de tanti affanni 
dell’anima tiranni 
il duolo al fin cangiò.  
—Enrico Bissari
Give the heart respite
As you will see what
Lazio’s reign is, 
But I cannot say 
What is truly in my soul.
No more will poisonous jealousy 
Seep into your heart, 
And from such troubles 
From the tyrants of the soul
The sadness comes to an end
High Definition Audio: Boby Borisov
Final audio and video master: David Tayler


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