Grad Bihać - Snimci Iz Zraka ( Bihac Drone Footage ) Bosnia And Herzegovina 4K

Описание к видео Grad Bihać - Snimci Iz Zraka ( Bihac Drone Footage ) Bosnia And Herzegovina 4K

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Bihać is a city and a populated place in the northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the seat of the Una-Sana Canton. The area of ​​the city is 945.45 km2. Until 1995, the area of ​​the municipality was 689 km2, and after the conclusion of the Dayton Agreement, part of the pre-war municipality of Drvar was annexed to the municipality of Bihać. According to the 2013 census, the city had 56,261 inhabitants, and the town had 39,690.

The geographical position and favorable climatic conditions have favored the settlement of people in the Bihac area since ancient times. Although recently investigated, on the basis of excavations and numerous remains, the presence of man in the older stone, late bronze, and older and younger iron ages was established. Two flint coins were found in Račić, ten kilometers southeast of Bihać, along with mammoth bones.

The old town of Sokolac is located on a hill on the eastern side of the Debeljača hill on the left bank of the Una. Below is the Golubićko polje, the Una river and the main road.

In medieval documents, the fortress is most often mentioned under three names: Sokol, Zokol and Sokolatz. The first mention of the town dates back to 1380. The oldest charter in which Sokolac is mentioned as a royal city dates back to 1395. For a long time he was exposed to the battles for the royal throne and the Bosnian crown between the kings Sigismund of Luxembourg and Ladislaus of Naples. After that, kings often gave the city to nobles, but also bought it from them. Captain Petar Keglević from Bihać stood out as the most important commander of the city. Due to the importance of Sokolac for the defense of Bihać, he received the city from authorized lords by order of King Ferdinand.

The Ottoman army captured the fortress in 1592. There is not much information about the period of Ottoman rule. He was in the Bihać Sandžak until 1711, and later in the Bihać Captaincy. At that time, the city was governed by a cehaja. Throughout the period of Ottoman rule, the nearby Ripač, located on an island on the Una, south of the city of Sokoc, was a more important city. According to the census carried out in 1833, there were only 2 small cannons in the fortress in Sokolac (in the district of Bihać), and from the undated census it can be seen that there were only 12 nefers (soldiers) in the city. It was abandoned after 1878.


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Bihać je grad i naseljeno mjesto u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine, te sjedište Unsko-sanskog kantona. Površina grada je 945,45 km2. Do 1995. površina općine iznosila je 689 km2, a po zaključenju Dejtonskog sporazuma, dio prijeratne općine Drvar bio je pripojen općini Bihać. Prema popisu iz 2013, grad je brojao 56.261 stanovnika, a naseljeno mjesto 39.690.

Geografski položaj i pogodni klimatski uslovi su od pradavnih vremena pogodovali naseljavanju ljudi na bihaćko područje. Iako nedavno istraženo, na osnovu iskopina i brojnih ostataka, ustanovljeno je prisustvo čovjeka u starijem kamenom, kasnom bronzanom, te starijem i mlađem željeznom dobu. U Račiću, deset kilometara jugoistočno od Bihaća, zajedno sa kostima mamuta, pronađena su dva kremena novčića.

Stari grad Sokolac nalazi se na jednom brijegu sa istočne strane brda Debeljače na lijevoj obali Une. Ispod je Golubićko polje, rijeka Una i magistralni put.

U srednjovjekovnim dokumentima tvrđava najčešće spominje se pod tri naziva: Sokol, Zokol i Sokolatz. Prvi spomen grada vezuje se za 1380. godinu. Najstarija povelja u kojoj se Sokolac spominje kao kraljevski grad potiče iz 1395. godine. Dugo vremena bio je izložen borbama za kraljevsko prijestolje i bosansku krunu između kraljeva Sigismunda Luksemburškog i Ladislava Napuljskog. Nakon toga kraljevi su često ustupali grad plemićima, ali i odkupljivali od njih. Kao najznačajniji zapovjednik grada istakao se bihaćki kapetan Petar Keglević. Zbog značaja Sokoca za odbranu Bihaća, on je po nalogu kralja Ferdinanda dobio grad od ovlaštenih gospodara.

Osmanska vojska zauzela je tvrđavu 1592. godine. Za period osmanske vlasti nema puno podataka. Bio je u Bihaćkom sandžaku do 1711, a kasnije u sastavu Bihaćke kapetanije. Tada je gradom upravljao ćehaja. Cijeli period osmanske vladavine bio je važniji grad obližnji Ripač koji se nalazio na otoci na Uni, južno od grada Sokoca. Prema popisu izvršenom 1833. godine u tvrđavi u Sokocu (u kadiluku Bihać) bila su samo 2 manja topa, a iz nedatiranog popisa vidi se da je u gradu bilo svega 12 nefera (vojnika). Napušten je poslije 1878. godine.


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