Submissionism 17 Matthaios Vrachiolias vs Michael Lironis

Описание к видео Submissionism 17 Matthaios Vrachiolias vs Michael Lironis

Στον μικρό ήρωα που ξέρει να μετρά πληγές, πόνο, ήττες, αλλά και νίκες, μοιράζοντας ενθουσιασμό και ρίγη συγκίνησης κερδίζοντας το θαυμασμό όλων.
Με ένα βήμα τη φορά όλα τα όνειρα γίνονται πραγματικότητα. Until the next time, stay hungry, stay foolish...

(Staying hungry means you keep your motivation high.
It means you adapt fast, learn new things continually, and want to do your best.
You want to reach your full potential.
It means you follow your heart and go toward what truly interests you.
You stay curious and you’re not satisfied with the status quo.
You don’t discourage yourself during hard times and you fight back.
You’re patient with results but impatient with actions.

Staying foolish means you don’t live in the past.
Even if you’ve been hurt, keep your head up and continue on your path.
You don’t sweat the small stuff.
You’re a little stubborn, a little crazy.
And you’re comfortable with it.
You know lots of things in life don’t make sense but you don’t care.
You know you don’t control most things in life but you don’t care.
You simply do your best, and you don’t mind the rest.)


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