Dark Souls Remastered - Black Dragon Kalameet Boss Guide

Описание к видео Dark Souls Remastered - Black Dragon Kalameet Boss Guide

This is one of the more straightforward fights, but still difficult, nonetheless. The run when I beat him was absolutely horrible and I barely won, but it just goes to show how much room for error there is. You might want to put a backup save in the cloud.

For starters, make sure you have the Crest shield equipped with at least one Crystal Soul Spear, Homing Crystal Soulmass, and Power Within. At the bottom of the ladder, use Power Within and switch over to Homing Crystal Soulmass and use it. Then run along to the right and get ready to shoot a Crystal Soul Spear at the beast.
Whether or not you hit him with the Soulmass will depend on what kind of move he does at first. For me, he jumped up in the air and
did his headbutt attack.

If he does this, just roll to either side and hope the Soulmass hits. Because of my build, I didn’t have much room for misses since I didn’t have as much magic equipped. Once this animation is complete, you can hit him with a Crystal Soul Spear.

Be cautious of his sweeping headbutt attack and know that he may do a follow-up attack right away. Just roll right through this attack just as his head is about to hit you. If you stay close, he may be inclined to do this move a lot. Make sure you time you heals in between attacks and at the end of his animations. When he flies up in the air and hovers for a bit, you need to roll back three times because this is a deadly AOE attack.

The nice thing about this is that it gives you time to switch to your Soulmass and get it ready. You can also use this opportunity to heal. If he shoots fire at you, you can either roll through it, or just run away to the sides. You’ll notice this because he will cock his head back and you’ll see the fire at his mouth. If you roll through, you can get a Soul Spear off, quickly.

Remember to use a Soulmass in between attacks to maximize damage. My Crystal Soul Spear was able to pull off 1213 damage, which is devastating. There’s another move the dragon does where he charges up a red attack, similar to the fire attack. If he does this, roll out of the way because he will grab you and do a bit of damage but it will also have lasting effects. All damage dealt for the duration of the battle will be doubled. So, unless you plan on not taking any damage, you need to avoid this attack.

When you avoid it, you can get another Soulmass off and get ready to shoot another Soul Spear. If you’re close to him, he might whip around and smack you with his tail. It’s hard to see coming because it’s so fast, but try to look out for him to sway to the side and whip around. If he does that, roll right through the attack.

That’s essentially all of his moves, so just avoid his attacks and get off a few shots when you can. On my run, I ran out of magic and had to finish him off with melee, which sucks because the entirety of the fight is done using magic. It doesn’t help that I missed a shot with a Soul Spear. If you have to resort to this, just stick close and two-hand your weapon, getting off attacks when you can. The dodging is the same.


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