OpenToonz short film - 2D animation - A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE

Описание к видео OpenToonz short film - 2D animation - A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE

I posted part 2 of The Painter On Safari a while back - and now I have at last compiled part 1 and part 2 of this 8 part animated short into a 10 minute short that stands alone, as an independent film.

It is called "A Walk On The Wild Side", as is the title of part 2. But these 2 parts were always going to be put together as one film, and this is it, enjoy!

("A Walk On The Wild Side", this movie, is part 1 & 2 of the 8 part movie series that will eventually become "The Painter On Safari")

A special big thanks to Russell Muchemwa, who voices "Moses" the Game Ranger in this movie, and Barry Knight who voices "Mike", the Bush Pilot.

And another big thanks to John Bartmann, who graciously let us use his incredible African themed music for this entire series of shorts, and ultimately the movie, The Painter On Safari.

This animated short movie, A Walk On The Wild Side was made in Opentoonz, created using Krita and edited in Shotcut.

When it is finished, The Painter On Safari will be about 30 minutes long.

To see how it was created, and to follow the creation of the rest of the movie, click the link to my "Making A Short Animated Movie" course, which contains all the detailed content on how this animated short movie is being made.

Making A Short Animated Movie:

Also, if you are interested in learning to use OpenToonz, the animation platform that I am using to make this movie, check out my "Animating with OpenToonz" course, that will be releasing early in 2023.

There are 6 sections to the course:

1. Basics - installing, FF Mpeg, Tools and workplace windows etc.
2. Drawing - the 2 main methods; vectors & raster, and how to sue them to the full
3. Animating - covering the various methods and techniques OpenToons offers
4. Advanced Tools & Techniques - we dive into some of the more advanced parts of OT
5. Extra Tips & Techniques - we look at some creative ways to use OpenToonz
6. Examples & break downs - we work through some finished animation examples, step by step.

The course is available on Pre-Order at a 50% discount to it's anticipated price early next year.

Click the link below to go take a look at the course:

Animating With OpenToonz:

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And here are the links to my courses directly:

Making A Short Animated Movie:

Locomotion Course Bundle:

Animating With OpenToonz:

This 2D animation was created using Opentoonz

A Walk On The Wild Side is an animated short movie created in OpenToonz

#opentoonz #opentoonzanimation #opentoonzshortfilm


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