Inugami Korone speaking English (New Year's Edition) | Hololive【ホロライブ】

Описание к видео Inugami Korone speaking English (New Year's Edition) | Hololive【ホロライブ】

Korone, the video game master, tries her best to speak English.

Korone is playing Flute Master Nyanpyou, a bonus game within another PS2 game called Pyū to Fuku! Jaguar: Ashita no Jump which is based on an old manga series. As you can likely tell, it’s a Pokemon parody where all the monsters have Flute designs. Googling it in English will give you no results due to its obscurity in the West, so google ニャンピョウのフエマイスター.

Originally I planned on making a Korone sounds video using the New Years stream. I ended up with 50+ minutes of clips, so I decided to make multiple videos using these clips instead. More to come.

Please subscribe to Korone for more cute dog content.
Source:    • 【謎の耐久(続編)】年末ホロライブ見ながら一人でニャンピョウ、クリアまで眠...  
Inugami Korone
Korone Ch. 戌神ころね 【ホロライブ】
   / @inugamikorone  
  / inugamikorone  


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