మామ-అల్లుడి వాదన.. కారణం🤦కూతురు దొంగతనం | Genesis Chapter 31 Telugu AI Bible Movie

Описание к видео మామ-అల్లుడి వాదన.. కారణం🤦కూతురు దొంగతనం | Genesis Chapter 31 Telugu AI Bible Movie

#ManaRakshakudu #genesis #jacob #faith #laban #rachel

In Genesis 31, Jacob flees from Laban with his family and possessions, following a divine dream that instructs him to return home 🏃‍♂️💭. Laban pursues Jacob but is warned by God not to harm him ✋⚡. After a tense confrontation, they make a covenant of peace, setting up a stone pillar as a witness to their agreement 🪨🤝. Jacob's faith and determination lead him safely on his journey back to his homeland, marking a significant turning point in his life ✨🛤️.

యూట్యూబ్:    / manarakshakudu  
ఇన్‌స్టాగ్రామ్:   / manarakshakudu  
ఫేస్‌బుక్:   / manarakshakudu  

Title: మామ-అల్లుడి వాదన.. కారణం కూతురు దొంగతనం | Genesis Chapter 31 Telugu AI Bible Movie


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