The Tain Book Discussion

Описание к видео The Tain Book Discussion


It's December. Christmas is in the air. So, Joe and Alex thought it would be the perfect gift to for all of you to read and share our thoughts on a book so filled with blood and gore that it would make the Hogfather blush. And no we aren't reading The Hogfather. 
For the December pick Joe had us read The Tain as translated by Ciaran Carson. This book is the longest epic from the Ulster Cycle following Cu Cullainn and the Cattle Raid of Cooley. Listen as both brothers stumbling to pronounce difficult words in Irish Gaelic, complain about how some of the most gruesome battle scenes ever written could be so boring and banal. 
Next month, Alex has picked another epic myth to follow, but in a retelling done by one of the greatest writers of our time. We will be reading The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood. We hope you join us there.
Just as a reminder, we post twice monthly. On the 5th we post our book of the month. And on the 20th we will provide you lovely listeners with a bonus episode. Please make sure to subscribe so that you never miss an episode. And please be active listeners and comment and rate on how you think we are doing. All the details below.
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