TBI: How to Eat For Your Super-Brain – A Nutritionist Tells All!

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http://www.BrainRecoveryCoach.com How to Eat for Optimal Brain Function. Join Nora Gedgaudas and me as she explains the science of how right and wrong foods affect your brain. If you have brain challenges, such as TBI, Concussion, or Stroke, eating properly is one of the most important things you can do!

You can not afford to create brain inflammation through the wrong food choices. Find out why you need more fats and proteins and fewer carbs.

Nora Gedgaudas is a widely recognized expert on what is popularly referred to as the “Paleo diet”. She is the author of the international best-selling book, Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and A Longer Life.

She maintains a private practice in Portland, Oregon as both a Board-Certified nutritional consultant and a Board-Certified clinical Neurofeedback Specialist.

Please visit my website for my special report on "Three Things Everyone with a TBI Needs to Know" https://www.TheTBICoach.com

Thanks for watching!


2:00 The quality of your nutrients (or lack of) can make or break how you feel and function in everyday life.

2:50 Nothing is more destabilizing to a brain than blood sugar problems.

3:10 A head injury is going to shove you off whatever cliff you happened to be standing next to before the injury.

3:25 Minimizing sugar and starch is really important.

3:38 Minimize brain inflammation is really important. (not a direct quote)

4:43 Have your medical practitioner test for gluten, soy, dairy sensitivities at CyrexLabs.com

5:12 Most mainstream medical practitioners don’t think about food. They think about pharmaceuticals, surgery, and other expensive procedures.

6:00 Gluten is always likely to be destabilizing and create inflammation.

7:44 The biggest impact of gluten in on the brain, not the gut.

7:48 Half of gluten-reactive people produce antibodies that attack their own brain and nervous systems.

8:53 Fruit juice and high fructose corn syrup damage brain directly through glycation.

9:32 Sugar is always neuro-degenerative, more so when there is already a brain issue.

10:03 Inflammation is your number one enemy.

Anything creating inflammation in the brain can create issues for a long time.

12:00 Adopt a diet that is not reliant on sugar as the main source of energy.

12:05 Nothing is more stabilizing to a brain than a diet based on fats.

13:45 Whole grains, sweet potatoes, brown rice are like throwing twigs on the metabolic fire.

13:53 Carbohydrates are like throwing kindling on the metabolic fire.

14:00 White bread, potatoes & pasta are like throwing crumpled paper on the fire.

14:08 Alcohol, sodas, & sports drinks are like throwing lighter fluid on the fire.

15:53 Getting blood sugar under control is a critical first step.

16:25 Dietary fat in the absence of sugar, is like a log on the fire.

17:35 Fat-based ketogenic diets creates more neurological stability.

18:28 Give you body healthy natural sources of fat: pasture-raised animals, olive oil, coconut oil, seafood.

18:5 Fat without carbohydrates will not make you fat.

19:41 Your brain and nervous system are made up of 80% fat.

20:00 We need fats for: hormones, neurotransmitters, cell membranes, immune system, and more.

21:00 There is no such thing as a carbohydrate deficiency.

22:50 The Paleo Diet

23:40 Babies require a 75% fat diet to develop their brains.

24:30 Grass-fed meat is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

26:00 Blueberries have most benefit of all fruit.

27:44 Fat satiates appetite.

29:00 Nuts & seeds. Wild blueberries.

29:38 This diet helps moods, energy, & cognitive function even out.

30:40 A fat-based ketogenic approach to eating is
1) stabilizing for brain
2) anti-inflammatory
3) dampens free-radical activity
4) enhances antioxidant activity
5) improves glutathione in the hippocampus

31:10 If you are suffering from a traumatic brain injury, this will be the greatest possible foundational gift you can give yourself.

31:36 This diet reduces risk of Alzheimers disease.

Alzheimers disease in now being seen as a brain-based diabetic condition, where the brain is unable to make use of sugar as a primary source of fuel.

32:35 A fat-based diet is being seen as a preventative and treatment to Alzheimers.

32:50 Book: Alzheimers Disease, What if there was a cure?
Dr. Mary Newport

35:32 High levels of coconut oil is very beneficial.

Eliminate sugar and starch
Eliminate grains and legumes
Eat the way hunters & gatherers would
Eat as much protein as your body requires, no more (6-7 oz meat. organ meats, eggs, or fish per day)
Add as much healthy fat as need to, to satisfy your appetite
Add as many vegetables as you want
A few nuts & seeds
No margarine, or refined vegetable oils


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