NSPO Series: How To Use the New Child Safety Laws - Pennsylvania Kayden's Law and Utah's Om's Law

Описание к видео NSPO Series: How To Use the New Child Safety Laws - Pennsylvania Kayden's Law and Utah's Om's Law

“The toll on protective moms, especially and children, is quite high. I'm not going to read these out because it can be sort of triggering for some people, but you can see that people experience kind of all sorts of quite difficult and terrifying things. Many thousands of children are court ordered to abusers every year. We have an estimated number in the tens of thousands. It's hard to get a precise number because private custody is private custody and court records are private, unlike when there's a state is a party. Those numbers we have a better idea of what's happening, but we do know that many children have been killed after being court ordered to the abusive party and that's despite the safe protective party bringing lots of abuse evidence and claims of risk to the child.”

“Here are the key aspects of Kayden’s Law training. Past abuse, restrictions on who can testify as an expert, and restrictions on reunification treatments or camps.”

To get involved in reforming the laws and policies in family courts around the country, nationally and in your state, visit National Safe Parents Organization #NSPO #KaydensLaw and join our Advocacy Community. We hold monthly live advocacy sessions for members, with invited guest experts and #familycourt survivors, like Addyson. https://www.nationalsafeparents.org/

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#Reunification with abusers


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