春节特制《喜迎春》 “Spring Delight" CNY Festive Music Video

Описание к видео 春节特制《喜迎春》 “Spring Delight" CNY Festive Music Video

🏮“天增岁月人増寿, 春满乾坤福满门。” 🌺一年之计在于春,大地回春万象新,千家万户,喜迎春,大团圆。❤️ 南华潮乐团特此呈献新春特制音乐影片《喜迎春》,恭祝大家新正如意,吉祥安康!🧧
"As years increase, so do people's longevity,
With spring filling the world, blessings fill every door."
The plan for the year lies in spring,
As the earth rejuvenates, all things are anew.
In every household, welcoming spring with joy,
A grand reunion.
🏮Nam Hwa Teochew Music Ensemble presents a special Spring Festival music video, "Spring Delight". 🌺 Wishing everyone a prosperous and auspicious New Year, full of peace and well-being!🧧


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