What Narcissist Attributes to YOU

Описание к видео What Narcissist Attributes to YOU

Only the narcissist is the cause of his intimate partner's behaviors. No other causes are ever present during the idealization phase. When the narcissist withdraws (decathects and devalues), he ceases to exist as a cause and only other causes operate. This results in splitting and paranoia (other causes are all bad, narcissist all good).

The narcissist is omnipresent and always present because he interacts only with internal objects. So he is the cause of both the behavior - and its absence!

This dialectic is resolved by having to radically transform the traits and identity of the internal objects - or by denying reality (e.g., by reframing inaction as action).

Narcissists and even moreso psychopaths adhere to a rigid entity theory, cathect it (are proud of their rigidities), and convert it into an ideology, organizing and interpretative principles, and set of rules and values (axiology and deontology).

In cluster B PDs, the motives can be self-defeat, self-handicap, self-harm, self-trashing, and self-destruction. Rational self-love is inhibited. The mirror image of mental health.

Observing the behaviors of people with cluster B PDs leads to wrong inferences. They are compulsive, not free; chaotic not intentional (identity disturbance); always act abnormally and always in a way that brings opprobrium and worse (penalties).

Narcissist confuses external and internal objects and his cognition is distorted (grandiosity).

So, he is incapable of situational attribution, only of the dispositional kind with regards to the positive aspects of himself (grandiosity, hyperreflexivity) - and incapable of dispositional attribution only of the situational kind when it comes to the negative aspects of himself (alloplastic defenses).

He is incapable of any kind of attribution with regards to others. This is especially evident in the shared fantasy.

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