Door of My Heart

Описание к видео Door of My Heart

This recording of Paramahansa Yogananda’s chant was made during a Centennial Open House in Amesbury MA honoring the arrival of the great Guru in America in 1920. The slideshow is inspired by the idea that all of God’s children around the world are singing one song of devotion through the many vehicles of the world’s true religions. Happy chanting! A poem by Paramahasaji about divine love:
To worship Thee, O Spirit, with a myriad living thoughts of devotion we have built a universal shrine - domeless, immeasurable. In reverence niches we place wisdom lamps from all temples, tabernacles, viharas, pagodas, mosques, and churches.
The commingled incense of our divine yearnings soars in spirals from the bowl of our hearts. In the unutterable language of love we pour out to Thee our paeans of praise.
Within our silenced beings the mighty organ of Aum plays the canticle of all aspirations, the lament of all tears, and the swelling shout of all joys.
In this wall-less soul structure we, Thy children, are united. We feel the grace of Thy pleasure, O Father of All! Amen, Hum, Amin, Aum.


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