FFXI - Schah

Описание к видео FFXI - Schah

The hardest fight in the game. Tumult Curator might be close, but he doesn't really give anything special. Anyone who wants an aeonic weapon eventually has to face this guy, who is on another level from all of the other NMs required. Even the best geared and most coordinated groups WILL lose to this guy, multiple times, before winning once.

Everything about this is a nightmare. Schah spawns a grand total of 14 adds; 7 Bhata (pawn), 2 Ashva (knight), 2 Gaja (bishop), 2 Ratha (rook), and 1 Mantri (queen). If any Bhata lives for too long (2-3 mins), it "promotes" into another Mantri. Ashva can use Banneret Charge (sets HP to 1) from 100%, which is basically an instant loss if it hits the PLD. Gaja can use Besieger's Bane (20' Terror+Zombie+Bio) from 100%, which is, again, instant loss if it hits the PLD and WHM. Every single caturae possesses knockback TP moves, and they can go into the trees and knock the PLD out of the corner. Hate is nigh impossible to hold; they WILL eventually split off from the PLD and attack others.

There are some good sides, and some key points. Bhata has less health than the other adds, and will almost always die in one SC+MB volley. Ratha does nothing special, so it can be left alone until the two Ashva/Gaja are dealt with. Mantri has FAR more health and defenses than the other adds (letting a second Mantri spawn is basically game over), but she can't use Enthrall (charmga) until 50%. Finally, don't even think of keeping the adds alive; Schah himself takes virtually no damage until they're all dead.

With all adds dead, it becomes a race against the clock. Only Death does any reasonable damage against Schah, so as many of those need to fire off as possible (hence BLM/SCH). Be careful; we have seen Schah use Besieger's Bane, Royal Decree, and Enthrall, as well as all the other caturae TP moves. We haven't seen him use Banneret Charge, but that just might be extremely rare. This is far easier to survive than with adds up, but don't let your guard down. Slack off on damage at any point, and you very well might time out.

The Corsair was dualboxed (by me). Every other job you simply cannot dualbox, too much is required. Setup was PLD/BLU WHM SCH in tank pt, then BLM/SCH BLM/SCH SCH GEO GEO COR. 1 Idris, no mage has any Amalric+1 gear. We did get lucky on Wild Card reset this time, but we have beaten him without it.

Before you start worrying about getting clears for an aeonic weapon, ask yourself if you're ever going to be able to beat this guy...because to get one, you're going to have to. Using a brew won't count either. Up for the challenge?


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