Blue Man Group - PVC Tube Performance in Boston They go crazy at the end!!

Описание к видео Blue Man Group - PVC Tube Performance in Boston They go crazy at the end!!

I attended a conference and Blue Man Group was the special guest! It was amazing to sit front and center for an intimate performance from these incredible out of this world musicians!

First off - thank you for stopping in to watch one of my videos. I am an outdoor enthusiast and environmental educator who is often boppin round the country in my trusty (knock on wood) Subaru Forester working at outdoor schools, summer camps, and other "get people outside because nature is awesome" type things.

When I'm not doing that I make music, art, watch birds (professionally and recreationally), climb rocks, and am learning to love cooking.

This channel is aplace to share that with my friends, family, and whoever else decides to stop on by. I enjoy connecting with and teaching others so please consider subscribing to my channel and leaving me a comment if you enjoy something you see (or learn something new!)

be kind, dont litter


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