#4 | 85-90WPM | Sir Kailash Chandra's | KC | Shorthand Transcription Dictation

Описание к видео #4 | 85-90WPM | Sir Kailash Chandra's | KC | Shorthand Transcription Dictation

📢 Attention Shorthand Enthusiasts!

Hello everyone!

I’m pleased to announce a new series of shorthand dictation practice based on "Kailash Chandra Matters of Shorthand Dictation." 📚✍️

🔍 What’s Inside? I’ve created detailed practice dictations that follow the principles outlined in the "Kailash Chandra" materials. These dictations are designed to help you:

•Enhance Accuracy: Improve your transcription precision.
•Increase Speed: Build your speed with targeted exercises.
•Boost Confidence: Prepare effectively for your exams or professional practice.
🔗 Access the Practice Dictations Here:

   • Progressive Magzines Dictation 80-100...  

   • @100 to 120WPM Dictation || SSC Steno...  

   • Pitman Book Dictation Basic Exercises  

   • Pitman Book Dictation Advance Exercises  

   • 80-100 WPM || KC || Dictation || Vol.13  

💡 Tips for Effective Practice:

•Regular Practice: Incorporate these dictations into your daily study routine.
•Self-Assessment: Compare your output with the provided solutions to gauge your progress.
•Engage with Peers: Share your experiences and seek feedback in the comments or on our Facebook page.
🔔 Stay Tuned: More practice materials and tips will be coming your way soon!

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. Let’s master shorthand together!

Best regards,

The Steno Verse


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