Pancreas :: Anatomy, Physiology & Ultrasound Appearance :: Abdominal Ultrasound with Sononerds

Описание к видео Pancreas :: Anatomy, Physiology & Ultrasound Appearance :: Abdominal Ultrasound with Sononerds

Table of Contents:

00:00 - Introduction
00:31 - Seciton 5.1 Global Anatomy
00:47 - 5.1.1 Embryology
01:18 - 5.1.2 Location
01:38 - 5.1.3 Relational Anatomy
03:09 - Section 5.2 Pancreas Anatomy
03:40 - 5.2.1 Uncinate Process
04:19 - 5.2.2 Pancreas Head
05:35 - 5.2.3 Pancreas Neck
06:25 - 5.2.4 Pancreas Body
08:11 - 5.2.5 Pancreas Tail
10:06 - Section 5.3 Pancreatic Ducts
11:08 - Section 5.4 Pancreatic Vasculature
13:09 - Section 5.5 Variants
16:34 - Section 5.6 Microanatomy
19:16 - Section 5.7 Physiology
19:42 - 5.7.1 Exocrine
25:27 - 5.7.2 Endocrine
31:48 - Section 5.8 Pancreas Chemistry
34:04 - Section 5.9 Normal Ultrasound
38:19 - 5.9.1 Measurements
39:57 - Section 5.10 Pancreas Protocol
44:52 - Summary


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