Staggered Light Performance on the OP-1 and Hologram Microcosm

Описание к видео Staggered Light Performance on the OP-1 and Hologram Microcosm

In honor of the new album officially going to mixing.... I rewarded myself, with a long overdue Teenage Engineering OP-1!

This was my first attempt at making something substantial and it's a blast! So much to explore and play with. Coming from my Deluge which has almost no limitations I can honestly say sometimes, limitations are freeing. You have 4 tracks, that's it. Do with them what you will. Once you record to the tape, that's it. There is no undo. Commit or die. Also, running anything through the Microcosm just makes it... better.

This was performed live on the OP-1 running directly into the Microcosm, which ran into my DAW. No other effects except for a limiter for loudness on the master. All sounds created by these two instruments.


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