FIFA 18 World Cup Showdown VS BFordLancer48 (LOSER DISCARDS DE GEA!!!)

Описание к видео FIFA 18 World Cup Showdown VS BFordLancer48 (LOSER DISCARDS DE GEA!!!)

Today we are doing a FIFA 18 World Cup Mode Showdown vs BFordLancer48. We both pick teams to sim through a randomized World Cup. Person who gets the farthest wins the round. Best 2 out of 3 wins the challenge, and the loser has to discard David De Gea or Neuer!

Thank you BFordLancer48, check out his channel!
   / bfordlancer48  

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Thumbnail by: @TRayALLDay
Check out his YT Channel Here:    / fifatrayallday  

I use the HD60 S Capture Card and Collapsible Green Screen from Elgato Gaming


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