Jikook ended taekookers 💛💜

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I guess,many have realised already that I reduced ppl number which I follow back&I would like to explain myself.

I want to get rid off taekookers,solos who hate JM & JK, other shippers & since my list was very long,I wasn't able to check every acc so I believe I removed many pjms & Jikook supporters too & I apologise for that.If I removed u & u feel wronged,just leave a comment under this post & we will sort this out.

U won't believe how many taekookers I found in my friendlist. Even accounts who claim to be BTS ARMY are open taekookers. Not all,but majority.
I created this account for myself & people who love Jimin & support Jikook, not for haters & various shippers. I don't care if I lose followers who feel offended by my actions. I will always defend JM & support JM's & JK's relationship.

Jikook's travel show is coming soon, but taekookers & solos who hate JM are already posting nasty lies about Jikook bond. No, it wont be company's content. It's a gift from Jikook for fans who love them dearly&support them in everything they do.How else they could show this to us if not filming their summer, autumn & winter spent together? When u go on vacations, u film everything too&post on social medias, right? It's the same with Jikook. Trailer came out couple days ago & they cut JM outta Jikook photos already. It's how badly they hate&fear this show. They lie about JK being forced to shoot content with JM all year round... but JK was the one excited & happy to travel with JM coz they are that closest couple in group. Taekookers kept claiming that 2023 were taekook year...lol...but Jikook themselves ended taekookers, even us jikook supporters didn't have to do anything to fight back their claims lol Imagine what will happen when Jikook show is out... 8 full length episodes. Wonder, when taekookers gonna realise that their ship was never real in the 1st place & when they gonna accept the fact that JK will always choose JM over their fav?

Let's go back a little. Taekookers were the ones who started talking about buddy system. They were so sure JK & Tae would enlist together. They were manifesting&celebrating before time. But what's happened? The news came out, JK & JM would enlist together & it was a big shock to that vile cult. Some were crying, screaming, stopped being taekookers, others claimed that its a proof that Jikook is not real coz gay couple would never enlist together coz it's not safe. See how taekookers change their opinions according to situation? It's ok to enlist for jk&tae, but not ok for jk&jm. They want what Jikook have, but every time they are faced with facts, they start to neglect, lie, curse, mock. This is jealousy. Taekookers will never accept the truth coz if they face it, their ship will end completelly. Their ship was never real anyway.

They do the same with Jikook travel show. Some are sad, screaming, crying, neglecting the truth, others started lie campaign against jikook, others complaining why they don't get taekook travel show. Coz there's nothing to show lol... JK & Tae are not that close they would spend all year round together. Its our Jimin he loves & feels safe & comfortable with... accept this fact & it will be easier for all of you to understand. They create fake analyses, edits to prove how Jungkook was forced to be with Jimin... darn, I can't stop laughing... he's a grown up man who himself decides what he does with his life & company can't force him doing things he doesn't want. He was ill? He needed to rest? Yes he did... & the best rest is a quality time with a beloved one which Jungkook chose to do. Do u really believe that everything they both did were infront of cameras?? We probably gonna see just 10% of their vacations, the rest was a private time for jikook & they enjoyed it alone. Cry all u want. Jikook is real. So I advice u to stop shipping Jungkook & Jimin. They naturally are that unique & close couple.

With Jikook Till The End! 💛💜

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