Dead Teenager - "Forever"

Описание к видео Dead Teenager - "Forever"


I feel alone, I feel so alone.
I can't move on, I can't live on my own.
I need a friend for me, I need someone like you.
Please come back to me, I can't live like this, forever.

They say love's what's most important.
They tell me, to love myself.
But how do you love yourself, when you've lived your whole entire life, with bad mental health?
I've always thought that love would heal my open wounds.
But all it ever did, was make them even wider. Love isn't a blessing, it's a curse.
It leads you, to follow, the wrong path.
Love blinds you, from seeing that darkness, that lives behind you.
I've been torn apart, and have had over 4 broken hearts.
I've already been here before, I've already done my part.
This music was the only thing, that was able to bring me, out of all that darkness that lived inside of me, and truly make me happy.
This music was always here for me, when nobody ever cared about me.

I feel alone, I feel so alone.
I can't move on, I can't live on my own.
I need a friend for me, I need someone like you.
Please come back to me, I can't live like this, forever.

Have you ever felt so used and abused, to the point, that you thought that you were never gonna make it?
Yeah, exactly.
Clearly, we've all been there before.
And I've learned, that the only way to escape it, is if you build up alot of anger for your ex partner, and push away all your compassion.
Cause once they break you, they'll break you over, and over again.
And they'll continue to break you, and beat you, till you're black and blue.
And they'll never ever be done with you!
So, if you're still living in a dark place, with someone who doesn't love you.
Let this song, be the light that guides you, through all the darkness that lives inside you.

I feel alone, I feel so alone.
I can't move on, I can't live on my own.
I need a friend for me, I need someone like you.
Please come back to me, I can't live like this, forever.


Dead Teenager


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