The Infinite Race - 30 by 30 documentary on ESPN investigates Born To Run and the Tarahumara

Описание к видео The Infinite Race - 30 by 30 documentary on ESPN investigates Born To Run and the Tarahumara

The new 30-by-30 documentary, "The Infinite Race" about the Tarahumara premieres on December 15th.

Outside magazine reviewed the movie and here's a review of the review... which is important to understand to, well, understand the movie.

I'll be reviewing the movie, too, but this "meta-analysis" might put things into context for you.

I'm not completely debunking the "debunking" that this review says the movie does... and, in fact, even the review doesn't do so, despite the claim of the headline.

Find out more, I think you'll think it's interesting.

One thing I didn't mention in my review: Why now? Born to Run came out 11+ years ago. The "barefoot boom" has, according to many, faded (though the REAL effect continues to grow). So why is this important now?

Not to suggest questions of cultural appropriation or that the unintended consequences of publicity might be worse than the benefits of that publicity. But the review suggest that the movie is attacking some "straw men" rather than addressing some of the bigger, more valuable questions.

I'm looking forward to seeing the film to find out for myself and I hope you do the same.

We were inspired by Born To Run and the Tarahumara and, happily, have donated a % of our revenue to support the Tarahumara through the Tarahumara Childrens Hospital Fund --

Pardon the plug, but if you're looking for sandals, shoes, and boots that let your feet do what's natural -- bend, flex, move, and FEEL the world:


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