Want Land Line without Expensive Service!? Cell Phone $15 with Cell2Jack $34 & Your Old Home Phone

Описание к видео Want Land Line without Expensive Service!? Cell Phone $15 with Cell2Jack $34 & Your Old Home Phone

My aunt and uncle wanted a home phone line. The problem is they didn't want to use a difficult smart phone. Instead, they wanted to use a traditional home phone!?

A landline with just local phone service cost about $60 with verizon/frontier.

Cut the Cord. I did some research and found that I could use a cheap cell service that offered unlimited phone and nationwide service that would cost anywhere from 10 to 25 a month.

The device I needed to bridge the gap between my cell phone and connecting it to a traditional land line phone was a cell2jack device that costs around $34-37


This is a video of me trying to setup my cell2jack so that I can use cell phone service over my tradition landline phone.

It actually works pretty well.
1. Use a modern phone with decent bluetooth.
2. Have your phone close to the cell2jack to get the best performance and reception
3. I suggest not using the cell2jack to charge your cel phone. Instead, just use separate power bricks for the cell2jack and cell phone.

In this video.. I tried using a pixel 3a google phone which works well. I couldn't really tell the difference between the old landline and now using cell service through bluetooth.

NOTE: there are some phones now that offer this technology without the cell2jack.

Good luck!


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